Top Tips on Engaging with a Virtual Conference

Find out the best ways to engage with virtual conferences and webinars such as Cyber Science 2021, today. 

Has COVID-19 caused confusion around networking virtually? Are you slightly unaware how to engage with online webinars?

The team at C-MRiC has got your back!


Check the schedule and log on a few minutes early

Reviewing the timetable before the event happens helps you stay on schedule and ensure that you won’t miss out on any discussions, presentations, workshops or fun experiences.

To review this year’s timetable, log into the members’ area by clicking here a couple of minutes early to ensure you don’t miss out!

Weekly Planner

Preparation is KEY

Prepare any questions or inputs you might have on the topics being presented. Once you have checked the schedule and noticed what talks will take place on the day, have a think about what you might want to ask or share with the speakers and/or attendees.

There will be opportunities to engage through Q&A sessions with speakers and panels, and there will be virtual coffee breaks for an opportunity to engage with other attendees on the forumYou must be logged in to access the forum.



Actively listen and engage with the speaker through Q&A

Use each presentation, discussion or workshop as a new experience and opportunity to learn something new or learn about a new perspective on a topic. Feel free to take notes during the presentations if you’d like such as quotes presented by speakers, however, we encourage you to actively listen.

If you have any questions on the topic or for the speaker based on what is presented, make sure to engage with the Q&A session.


Network – join the discussion

As mentioned, virtual coffee breaks are the perfect opportunity to engage with others outside Q&A sessions.

Network with other participants through starting discussion threads on the forum and replying to other threads, listing your thoughts on the topic or presentation itself. Share your feedback, share your thoughts, share your feelings.

Additionally, share your thoughts by live-tweeting throughout the event using #CyberScience2021 and @cmricorg on Twitter.

At Cyber Science 2021, there will be a range of panels discussing a variety of topics. If you are interested in learning more, you cannot miss Cyber Science 2021. Register today!